Band 7 IELTS Prep Program

Get Band 7 on IELTS & Realize Your Dreams

IELTS Prep Program for Advanced Students

This coaching program is for people who are already at a pretty high level of English and need to perfect their spoken & written English for IELTS & their career.

We’ll work on your accent and the rhythm & intonation of your speech so you sound more native and natural. We’ll also focus on learning phrasal verbs and expressions that native speakers use all the time. I want to help you learn to think in English and not have to translate everything in your head. 

In addition, we’ll do a lot of writing practice and I’ll teach you how to give the IELTS examiners what they want. We'll work on your critical thinking skills and you'll learn to say more with fewer words. You'll get better at choosing the right words in English, whether writing or speaking.

So, click the link below to set up an appointment and let’s meet online soon to talk about getting started together.

Develop Your English Capabilities & IELTS Strategies

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have a lot riding on their IELTS exam score. I've helped hundreds of people from many different countries to improve their spoken and written English and get at least Band 7 on IELTS.

So, I've put together this coaching program that's meant for adults who want to immigrate to Canada, UK, Australia, or USA to get a higher-paying job abroad. I usually work with IT professionals from Latin America who have a job lined up in Canada as long as they can get at least Band 7 on IELTS. I've worked with nurses from the Philippines & South Korea who need Band 7 in order to get a great job in the U.S., engineers & teachers from Turkey, as well as cyber security professionals from Saudi Arabia...and many more.

I want to help as many people as possible to realize their dreams of studying abroad, getting a promotion at work, getting a remote job that pays a high salary, or immigrating to another country. If you are stuck at Band 6.5 and have to get Band 7 in order to get a job in the USA, UK, or Canada — I can help you.

First, take a level test here. If you are at least B2 level now, I can coach you to get Band 7 within three months. Then, I invite you to make an appointment with me to talk about your goals for 15 minutes. We'll have a mini-lesson and discuss your unique needs, then make a plan to work together to get you to Band 7 (or higher).

For IT professionals, this IELTS training program can work in tandem with my Business English for Success Coaching Program if you need to improve your English now, then prepare for IELTS later.

Can I do IELTS by myself?

The answer is probably not, unfortunately. You can study by yourself for IELTS Reading & Listening by using the free practice tests provided by IDP & the British Council. But, you need a native speaking teacher with IELTS prep experience to give you feedback and correct your IELTS Speaking & Writing answers. The stakes are high for the IELTS exam, so it's best to invest some time and money to know for sure that you are prepared to get Band 7 or higher. Only attempt to study for a short time by yourself if you know for sure that your English level is C1, you are an excellent test taker, and the result won't have a life-changing impact on your future.

Is IELTS exam difficult?

Yes, it's a very challenging test, even for a native speaker. The material assumes a very high level of English, the listening section has many traps, reading is at a university level for native speakers, the speaking exam can be nerve racking for many people, and the writing sections are usually everyone's hardest challenge.

How much is your IELTS Speaking & Writing coaching program?

Read the overview in the chart below to get an idea of what you'll learn with me, and see the prices. Then, set an appointment for a free mini-lesson to discuss the details...

Teacher Joe's IELTS Speaking & Writing Coaching Program
IELTS coaching program

Get Band 7 on IELTS Speaking

Learn how to get a high score on IELTS and achieve your goals.

IELTS writing program

Get Band 7 on IELTS Writing

Let's work together so you know how to get Band 7 on the IELTS Writing exam.