ELSA Speak: The Ultimate Tool for English Pronunciation Mastery

A User's Guide to Rapid, English Pronunciation Improvement

ELSA Speak is a mobile application designed to help non-native English speakers improve their pronunciation skills. The app uses advanced speech recognition technology to analyze your pronunciation and provide instant feedback. It offers a variety of lessons, exercises, and real-world scenarios to practice speaking English. The app is available on both Android and iOS platforms.

ELSA Speak is the only English language learning and communication app that can help you correct pronunciation errors to every syllable thanks to Artificial Intelligence equipped with exclusive voice recognition voted Top 5 in the World. Based on the results of your pronunciation test, ELSA also offers an individual learning path that is best suited for each learner, saving you time and improving your learning efficiency.

Fantastic Features to Help You Improve Your English Pronunciation Faster

Speech Recognition: One of the standout features is the advanced speech recognition technology that provides real-time feedback on your pronunciation.

Curated Lessons: The app offers a wide range of lessons tailored to different skill levels, from beginner to advanced.

Real-world Scenarios: ELSA Speak includes practice sessions that mimic real-life situations, such as job interviews, social interactions, and more.

Progress Tracking: The app keeps track of your progress over time, allowing you to see how much you've improved.

User Interface: The app has a clean, intuitive interface that makes navigation easy.

Performance — Cutting-Edge Technology to Level-Up Your English Pronunciation

The app performs well in terms of speed and responsiveness. The speech recognition is generally accurate, although it may sometimes struggle with heavily accented speech. The lessons are well-structured, and the app runs smoothly without any noticeable glitches.

ELSA Speak incorporates elements of gamification, like scoring and progress tracking, which add an element of fun and competition to the learning process. You can see your scores improve over time, and the app even offers badges and rewards for reaching certain milestones. This makes you want to keep practicing, not just to improve your English but also to beat your previous scores.

The real-time feedback feature is another aspect that contributes to an engaging experience. There's something incredibly satisfying about immediately knowing whether you've pronounced a word correctly or not. This instant gratification keeps you motivated and eager to correct your mistakes, pulling you into a cycle of continuous improvement.

Structured Learning Path

The lessons are structured in a way that builds upon previous knowledge, creating a natural learning path. This progressive structure helps you get into a flow state because you're not jumping between unrelated topics. Each lesson prepares you for the next, making the learning experience feel cohesive and focused.

Real-world Scenarios

The inclusion of real-world scenarios in the exercises is another feature that keeps you engaged. Practicing pronunciation in the context of a job interview, a business meeting, or a casual conversation makes the learning experience more relatable and immediately applicable. This not only keeps you engaged but also gives you a sense of accomplishment, knowing that you're improving skills that will be useful in real-life situations.

Navigating the Nuances of English Pronunciation with ELSA Speak

All these elements combined create an immersive and engaging learning environment that easily gets you into a flow state. You're not just passively absorbing information; you're actively participating, receiving feedback, and constantly improving. This makes the time you spend on ELSA Speak feel incredibly productive, and before you know it, you've spent an hour practicing and improving your English pronunciation. It's a rewarding experience that makes the learning process not just effective but also enjoyable.

Value for Money — An Excellent Deal to Get You Speaking English Like a Native

ELSA Speak offers a free version with limited features, as well as a premium version with a broad range of lessons and exercises. The premium version may seem a bit pricey, but considering the technology and the comprehensive content it offers, many users find it to be a good investment in their language learning journey. Compared to expensive in-person classes that focus on grammar & vocabulary, ELSA Speak motivates you to speak English whenever you have a few free minutes.

ELSA Speak Knows Common Pronunciation Errors

Whenever we learn a new language, our first language always interferes with pronunciation of new words. Everyone defaults to the rhythm and intonation of their mother tongue. ELSA Speak can recognize this and point it out to you for dozens of languages, which is phenomenal. 

For example, there are certain pronunciation errors that many Brazilians commonly make when speaking English, such as…

ELSA Speak has exercises specifically designed to tackle these issues, no matter what your first language is. I just decided to use Brazilian Portuguese as the example here. 

Pros & Cons of ELSA Speak


1. High-quality speech recognition technology.

2. Wide range of lessons and real-world scenarios.

3. User-friendly interface.

4. Effective progress tracking.


1. The premium version can be expensive for some users.

2. May not be as effective for heavily accented speech.

3. Limited offline capabilities.

Comparison to Other English Language Learning Apps

When compared to other language learning apps like Duolingo (too childish), Fluent Forever, or Rosetta Stone (too stiff), ELSA Speak focuses specifically on pronunciation, making it unique in its category. While other apps offer a more holistic approach to language learning, ELSA Speak excels in helping users perfect their English pronunciation. In terms of price, it is on the higher end, but the specialized focus justifies the cost for most users. The app seems to have been designed with the psychology of learning in mind, making it easy to enter a flow state when practicing English pronunciation, whereas other apps I’ve tried get boring quickly.

Perfect English Pronunciation with ELSA Speak

ELSA Speak is highly recommended for non-native English speakers who are looking to improve their pronunciation skills. Whether you're preparing for an English proficiency test, a job interview, or simply want to be more confident in social interactions, this app can be a valuable resource. It's the perfect way to accompany a full online English course and advance your CEFR level quickly.

ELSA Speak is a robust and specialized app for improving English pronunciation. Its advanced speech recognition technology, well-curated lessons, and real-world practice scenarios make it a valuable tool for non-native speakers. Its unique focus and effectiveness make it worth considering if you want to improve your English without attending expensive, in-person lessons. Click here to take a free trial.

Achieving English Pronunciation Perfection: My Student's Experience with ELSA Speak

One of my Brazilian students who uses ELSA Speak told me that a standout feature that he has enjoyed is how engaging the lessons and exercises are. 

He said that the variety of lessons and exercises ensures that you never get bored. From basic vowel sounds to complex sentences and real-world scenarios, there's always something new to learn. The app also allows for customization based on your learning level and specific needs, which keeps you engaged because you're always working on something that's appropriately challenging for you.

When I asked Marcos for his honest user review, here is what he told me…

“I've been using the ELSA Speak app for the past few months to improve my English pronunciation. I work in an international company where English is the primary language of communication, so speaking it well is crucial for me. I've always been self-conscious about my accent and pronunciation, especially when talking to native English speakers. That's where ELSA Speak came in, and it has been a game-changer for me.

One of the things that impressed me the most about ELSA Speak is how quickly I started to see improvements. The app's real-time feedback is incredibly accurate and helpful. It pinpoints exactly where I'm going wrong and provides tips on how to correct it. Within just a few weeks, I noticed a significant improvement in how I pronounce certain words and phrases.

Before using ELSA Speak, I would often hesitate or avoid speaking in meetings because I was afraid of making pronunciation mistakes. Now, I feel much more confident in my ability to communicate clearly. I've even received compliments from my colleagues about how much my pronunciation has improved, which has been a huge morale booster.

Overall, ELSA Speak has been an invaluable tool for me. It has not only helped me improve my pronunciation quickly but also boosted my confidence to speak English at work. If you're a non-native English speaker and especially if you're Brazilian, I highly recommend giving this app a try. It's worth every penny for the progress and confidence you'll gain.”

Improve English pronunciation for work

ELSA Speak: Your Personal Coach for English Pronunciation Mastery

Using ELSA Speak to improve your English pronunciation can offer a wide range of career benefits, from increased confidence and better communication to more global opportunities and a competitive edge in the job market. Good English pronunciation can be a unique selling point that sets you apart from other non-native speakers in your field. In many industries, effective communication skills are considered when evaluating employees for promotions. Your improved pronunciation could be a factor that sets you apart from other candidates for career advancement.

Click here to get started with your Pro or Premium package of ELSA Speak today.

Speak English like a native speaker

These are screen shots of what the ELSA Speak app looks like in use.