What Everybody Ought to Know About Learning English

Review of Lingoda 100% Online English Course

If you’ve ever asked yourself, “How can I become fluent in English?” … you know it’s easier said than done. You have to spend a lot of time and energy to get to a high enough level to study abroad or work for a multinational company.

It’s important to study the right materials and take a great course so you optimize the time and money you spend learning English.
 If you have taken a language course, you’re aware of what distinguishes an excellent one: Small group or one-on-one education, enthused teachers, challenging but acceptable materials, and adequate class time. Unlike language-learning apps, classes with real people force you to articulate your thoughts rather than just translate words, which is essential for growth.
 Lingoda is an online service that offers language learning sessions via Zoom and meets all of these criteria.

If You Don’t Get Fluent In English Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

With Lingoda, you may enroll in hour-long classes with a good instructor for a fair price, and they will guide you through speaking, reading, and other interactive language-learning experiences. If you already know some English, you can use the site’s placement test, which is based on the CEFR, to determine where you should begin. 

Food, globalization, business, and the environment are some of the traditional language-learning topics that are used to get you talking, which are very conversational and can be similar to IELTS topics, so it’s good practice.
 Classes are designed to be as immersive as possible, with as much instruction given in the target language as possible.

General English and Business English lessons are totally immersive. Before a class, students can check the instructor’s bio to see what additional languages they speak.
 Lingoda has a number of different plans for both small group and one-on-one courses. The fees are low, although they vary depending on your degree of commitment. You must pay in advance every four weeks for a bundle of classes, and there are often generous promotions. Click here to see the prices.

the best English course online

How Lingoda Classes Operate

Each session has a topic or theme, as well as a PDF of material that you can examine ahead of time. Many of the activities in these learning materials are designed to be done aloud, including discussion prompts, short reading passages, and other exercises. You can prepare for class by reading the PDF, looking up any terms you don’t know, and taking notes.

When you sign up for a Lingoda account, you can log in to discover what classes are offered on specific days or hours. The filtering tools are excellent and straightforward. Lingoda checks the time by specifying the current time in your time zone before scheduling a class. There will be no confusion as to when the class will begin.

Every class has a title and description that includes the class’s learning focus (e.g., speaking, grammar), the instructor’s name with a link to learn more about them, and a number indicating how many seats in a group class are still available. If you start attending lessons and find that the level isn’t right for you, you can easily adjust it to a higher or lower level from within your account.

The Online Classroom Experience

Classes are held on Zoom. A few minutes before the start time, Lingoda gives a link to the class on its website, which you can access through your account or Google Calendar. 
Your Zoom name displays as [First Name] + Lingoda when you join the class, for example, Maria Lingoda. Your surname will never appear, regardless of the choices you previously had for your display name.

Usually, the instructor greets everyone and asks them to give a little information about themselves for no more than five minutes.
 The teacher shares their screen for the majority of each 60-minute class to display the class’s PDF. The instructor has participants take turns reading aloud a passage, answering a question, or asking another participant a question. The materials used by Lingoda are based on the CEFR.

There are no scripts in the classes, so it doesn’t get boring and repetitive. Instructors may choose to stay on an activity that is effective in motivating students to talk, or they may choose to forgo an exercise if they do not see the necessity to complete it.

Most teachers are native speakers, and all instructors must be at least a C2 level in the language they teach, according to the CEFR. They must also have a certificate to teach that language as a foreign language and two years of teaching experience.

It is not necessary to turn on your video camera. The majority of students and instructors turn on video, however, because it makes for a better session for a variety of reasons. You can observe when someone’s connection freezes, for example. Another example: the instructor may be able to discern when you need a moment to think about how to reply to a suggestion based on your facial expression. You can also watch the movements of the mouth and lips, which aids language development and helps the teacher teach pronunciation.

Some classes make extensive use of Zoom’s chat component, but with some teachers, the conversation is not used in other classes. When the chat is used, Lingoda provides a downloadable copy of it at the end.

The instructor in a Lingoda lesson can pause to explain something or even help students learn to pronounce words more like a native speaker. The instructor in a Rosetta Stone class, for example, must follow the script. Lingoda’s classes are thus superior.

After Class

You can also take a brief quiz on the Lingoda website after each completed class that is linked to the class’s theme. The quizzes are multiple choice and do not count toward your grade, but they may help you remember what you’ve learned.

One-on-one classes where you can hear and speak the language are where Lingoda shines. It does not, however, provide a concurrent self-paced course of study. This is where an app like Mondly is valuable.

Lingoda assumes that you, the learner, will devote some time to learning and studying the language on your own, in addition to the materials provided by Lingoda. I also provide a lot of excellent, free resources for business English and getting from B2 to C1–2 and for IELTS here. When you show up to class, you should expect to put what you’ve learned into practice while also learning something new.

Who Else Wants To Get Fluent In English...Fast?

Lingoda offers two special programs called Sprint and Super Sprint every few months. These plans require you to sign up for one or two months of sessions and commit to taking 15 or 30 classes each month in the Sprint and Super Sprint, respectively. You will receive a 50% refund for the Sprint and a 100% refund for the Super Sprint if you attend all of your lessons. Lingoda's Sprints are perfect for business people who need to boost their English level quickly.

Their current Sprint Challenge is open for registration until June 28, 2022. This is a great deal and can get you fluent fast!

Lingoda’s programs are a great addition to any adult language learning path. It’s perfect as part of an IELTS study plan for people currently at Band 6, who need to get Band 7+ because it’s much cheaper than taking classes at a big language learning center in your own city (and just as good). It’s suitable for busy professionals who are learning English on their own through applications, as well as those who are already familiar with English and need to get better quickly for work, studying abroad, TOEIC, or immigration.

Lingoda For Business English

When you sign up for Lingoda, you can choose General English or Business English. I believe the problem with most business English courses I've seen is that they use dialogues that make people sound stiff, robotic, cold, and corporate. All my students want to speak the way native speakers talk at work; no one wants to sound like a text book.

Lingoda's business English course, on the other hand, will help you sound more natural and confident in English in general and are not typical, boring business English courses. By learning this way, you'll become a better communicator, feel more at ease, and eventually sound more like a native speaker, which will definitely help you excel in any job.

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Perhaps the best thing about Lingoda is that it allows you to interact and communicate with actual people, which is an important step in learning any language, all while adhering to CEFR criteria. Click here to learn more and take a quick level test.

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Improve your English fast with Lingoda's online English classes.